Saturday, May 16, 2020

The And Of The Preachers - 1173 Words

â€Å"Same WORD different Meanings† As I consider the image of many of the preachers presented I am challenged in my recognizing their gifts and yet feeling an inadequate connection. Perhaps it was the predominance of traditional theologies found in most mainline protestant denominations that while safe and predictable, were personally not fully relatable. This I found ironic considering I would be identified as a white male from an affluent background with this being what I would have always known of as homiletics. Perhaps it is from personal experience of how being gay can move one down in a patriarchal hierarchy to less than human status that then all is seen with a hermeneutics of suspicion. For many years a sermon has often become a moment for meditation in the worship service when the language has not been inclusive or that I questioned the â€Å"truth† of the message. The image of preacher from their writings that resonated with me for different reasons was a combination of Anna Carter Florence, Lucy Atkinson Rose and Christine Marie Smith. Smith while she was not on the required or recommended reading list was referenced in class leading me to two of her writings that perhaps were the most impactful and theologically relatable. Anna Carter Florence offered a process to preparation in preaching as postmodern testimony that has been helpful. Her supportive statements of Ricoeur’s reasoning of Christian â€Å"speaking and knowing† as interpretation through testimony in preachingShow MoreRelatedThe Preacher and the Fighter1200 Words   |  5 PagesThe Preacher and the Fighter: A Fight for Equality Present day United States of America. Freedom, racial equality, united with all its citizens. The United States of America as we know it would never have existed if racial equality was not given to the colored people of the country. 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